Fort Benton United Methodist Church issued the following announcement.
Online LSM Course: Your Ministry of Leading Worship
9 - 9
SEP 2020 - OCT 2020
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM
GMT -6:00 Central Time
Would you like to prepare to do “pulpit supply” or assist in leading worship with your pastor? This course will focus on basic understandings of worship and gaining skills for leading worship. It fulfills requirements for “Leading Worship” and “Planning Worship” needed for Lay Speaker Certification. The course will explore our United Methodist worship history the logic and flow of our official “The Basic Pattern of Worship” and “A Service of Word and Table” the task of planning worship with “flow” and balance (SLICE) various settings and approaches where Lay Servants and Lay Speakers may lead worship skill development in reading Scripture, assisting at the Lord’s Supper and baptism other roles in worship leadership
Type of Event: All
Intended Audience: All
Event Sponsor: Annual Conference - Great Plains
Affiliated United Methodist Organization:
Original source here.